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Samedi 03 Mai 2025

- 09H35 à 09H50 - Essais qualificatifs - Official time session (20')

- 16H10 - Course 1 /Race 1 - (19 minutes + 1 tour)

Dimanche 06 octobre

- 09H00 - Course 2 / Race 2 - (19 minutes + 1 tour)

- 12H20 - Course 3 - Race 3 - (19 minutes + 1 tour)

Winter is not yet installed, and we do not need to hibernate. Indeed the offseason is active. The time is ripe for some drivers to be concerned about their future equipment or to change or revise. We will have new entrants for claim race’s point to even podiums, may be surprises about competitors. This is also the time when your staff does not relax and remains in thinking and working mode.

So to alert you now about the current changes and few surprises will be coming soon, know already that the 2016 program is innovative and surprising and should you seem very complete if not intense.
We regret to announce to all our friends and foreign opponents the expected end of the German private series (ESS). It is no longer a rumor but the final discussions between "North contenders” did he seem to perpetuate some successful events in this continental series.
It's a pity for a lot of drivers like Swedish drivers, Czechs like Adam Kout the European Champion or the Danes often under the eaves of Poul Petersen who are deprived of races at a reasonable distance from their home or team. However the Championship of France becoming the only opportunity to confront on the European continent or even the only competition in 250 twins with real open competition (We know the British encourages at first single-cylinder) competition is expected to increase.
The quasi-official Schedule (more or less) distributed to date was as preparatory phase will be changed. Indeed we have been examined the future in the light of the substantiated information provided several circuits but also because of the cessation of our collaboration with ESS as the common races (At Hockenheim by example) and especially opportunities that are made day we should announce an innovative program !

Going to make you languish, but not too much, here are few clues reflection while waiting to formalize several scoops. Side circuit, it remains essential to get out France at least once to meet European drivers and attend their requirements. We hope they followed us on other events and we had to reorient geographically events and so facilitate their travel.
- We apply circuit of Lédenon as the French round of the European Championship. The Circuit du Gard will receive for the 1st time the European Superkart Championship and will be the only new event in this context.

une 2016- This will also be one of the rounds of the Championship of France (separated ranking) but we still are working to propose a national event in parallel to all those who can’t or do not want to compete in the framework of the CIK-FIA like what is practiced in the UK. Event for drivers especially equipped not allowed CIK material, the single-cylinder, to relative novices, four stroke engines included KTM , former Rotax, etc ...
- The CIK for his part announced a few items about the Superkart. A single-cylinder Cup in the European Championship, Total petrol renewed for 2 years, etc.

A little patience, but stay tuned ...
Jean-Christophe Bourlat


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