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Samedi 03 Mai 2025

- 09H35 à 09H50 - Essais qualificatifs - Official time session (20')

- 16H10 - Course 1 /Race 1 - (19 minutes + 1 tour)

Dimanche 06 octobre

- 09H00 - Course 2 / Race 2 - (19 minutes + 1 tour)

- 12H20 - Course 3 - Race 3 - (19 minutes + 1 tour)

The 2023 Superkart season is starting late but will benefit from superb exhibitions and offers an expanded program with four events as part of the French Championship and a GP, unique and attractive event, where many foreign drivers have already entered. The first of these meetings takes place on May 6 and 7 at Ledenon circuit, joining the lively TTE paddock. It is a long-awaited return to the hilly circuit after 5 years of abstinence.

In 2020 the scheduled event had been canceled due to the health crisis (Covid). The renewal of contenders has since taken place. This first confrontation is more like the revenge of the 2022 season with the protagonists discovered recently and retains its international character.
Last year, following the withdrawal of the multi-champion of France and Europe, the fight was opened and resulted in the crowning of a new Champion of France; Julien Goullancourt (Anderson / DEA) who has accumulated many victories but who was nevertheless challenged until the last round by the Dutchman Sven Van de Wardt (MSKart / VM). This one, had started and ended with a victory but he missed a few points (229 against 212) to overflank the Françilien. He will discover Ledenon but he has proven to adapt very quickly. The Frenchman has the advantage of having already competed on this track in the past.

The field is not wide, some competitors lack of equipment, on the other hand it should turn out to be quite homogeneous. We will find the two protagonists cited as favorites, ready to resume their duel, major animation of last season. They would have struggle with another comeback, the return of Alexandre Sebastia on his Anderson/DEA (French Champion 2013) who last year came out of his den to realize the podium at Nogaro during the last event of the year. Former winner on the circuit of Gard, his favorite circuit, the most local of competitors, could not miss this opportunity. His result will perhaps persuade him to join the competition for the rest of the season. Van de Wardt's team-mate, the Colombian Jaime Zuleta (MSkart / VM) a regular in the Championship will defend his position dearly like Léo Kurstjens (MSkart /VM) another pillars of Team Karting Paradise, which represents the strongest delegation. Revelation of 2022, the young Richard Van de Nes (Anderson/VM) finished 4th in the Championship, garnering more and more confidence. With his experience he should be in the game from the start. Éric Confalonieri (Anderson / DEA) knows very well the circuit, he will have to apply his knowledge of the area. With a revisited single-cylinder (Rubig-MRT), the Marlière family will be able to support each other and assert their top speed to try to interfere among the twin-cylinders (250cc).

The circuit record was smashed during the last performance of the Superkart in 2017 by Peter Elkmann in qualifying (1'16''406'') time repeated in race 2 (1'16''515''').


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